
Monday 17 June 2013


  1. (of a substance or object) Able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed.
  2. (of a person or animal) Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
In the past use of this word, I've noted it to be used mainly in contexts of great hardships, or to describe survival of events that were extremely tough. But it was a word floating around my mind this morning and seems to sum up how I'm feeling, or perhaps how I'm not feeling.

I've felt a little lonely days of late, and even when I've been around people, I've felt a slightly emptier version of myself than usual. I've had a few events become cancelled or postponed, and I guess it's made me feel....(trying to think of the best word)...I guess let down and unimportant. I know life gets in the way at the best of times, but it's just left me feeling a little more down than usual.

So back to the resilience topic - I guess I'm trying to bounce myself back to 'usual' Shae - not that I would describe myself commonly as resilient, or even to describe myself as that in this context. But I think the message is still clear in that, whatever tough time we face, we should empower ourselves to have a resilient spirit, to not doubt ourselves and to not give up.

I'm also trying to not hold the grudge and let it all go. I'm trying to really hold onto the belief, that it's not that I'm uncared for or that I'm unimportant. But whether that is the case or not, no one likes to feel let down or less of a a work in progress. Resilience. What I do know with all my heart of this word and it's meaning - it empowers, it strengthens and it makes me want to fight harder the next time, as I know in getting back up, we learn more about ourselves every time. Food for thought :)

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